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I am no psychotherapist or a spiritual leader of any kind. But I am Japanese and arugamama is a Japanese word. I am also trying to live my life according to the philosophy that the word arugamama tries to teach us. It means you let go of all the distractions in your life and find your true self to strive. We humans tend to criticize how other people are and how we ourselves are because we have expectations as to how they and we "should" be. That "should" thinking comes from our upbringing, social, cultural, religious expectations and restrictions. But we can never live up to those expectations 100% percent of the time. So, we get upset and unhappy about ourselves and others. Only when we let go of those "noises" in life and find and embrace our true selves, we can be accepting of ourselves and others and be happy. I hope this answers your question somewhat.

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