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Agapi mou, or αγάπη μου means "my love" in Greek.

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What does the greek 'se filo moro mou' mean?

It means "I love you, sweetheart." Σ 'αγαπώ αγάπη μου (s'agapo agape mou) is "I love you, sweetheart" ... or more precisely, " I love you, my love". Se filo moro mou means "I kiss you, my baby."

What does agape mean in this It was plain that the breaches must remain agape?

In that context agape means "wide open."

How do you say you are beautiful love in Greek?

Eiste omorfi, agape mou. (EE-stay OH-morph-ee, a-GAH-pee Moo)

What does an mou in banking mean?

It doesnt mean anything. an mou (αν μου) is if my. αν (an) is if and μου (mou or mu) is my like ''my love'' is ''agapi mou'' love:agapi

What does a mou mean in french?

"mou" means not firm, not muscular, not steady.

What does agaph mou mean?

Agaph mou means MY LOVE in Greek language.

What does theos mou mean?

it means ''my god'' Θεός μου (theos mou)

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Moraki mou (μωράκι μου) means "my baby"

What does 'kalyteri fili mou' mean in greek?

kaliteri fili mou = my best friend

What does Candra Mou mean?

If Candra is a proper name (Sandra) then it is: "my Sandra" (andra mou = (my man/husband candra or cadra mou = my frames/paintings Cardia mou = my (sweet)heart

What does palikari mou mean?

my lad

Can you give a sentence with the word agape?

It depends on what you mean by "agape". Agape (pronounced uh-gay-p) means "open to a large extent". For example, "The person's mouth was agape after a skateboarder landed a very hard trick." Agape (pronounced a-ga-pay) means "love of humanity" or "impersonal love". For example, "It is through the agape of Christ that Christians seek redemption for their sins."