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world language shall be the answer hooligans

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βˆ™ 10y ago
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Joey Eubanks

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βˆ™ 2y ago
thanks bestie
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βˆ™ 7y ago

world languages

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Q: What does a selective college usually require more years of than a high school require?
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magnify glass
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What is the term for a postsecondary school that has a set of requirements for admission?

selective collegeapex

What is the difference between a selective college and an open college?

a selective college looks at your grades and where you placed in high school , an open college allows anyone to recive an education as long as they can pay

What is post secondary school that has a set of requirements for admission?

selective college

Does a career as a business owner require a high school diploma?

yes because you usually need a business license and you have to go to college for that unless you can get to college without a high school diploma

Do teachers need an high school diploma or GED?

Usually teachers need a college education, and colleges generally require either a high school diploma or GED.

To attend a selective college how many years of high school science must you complete?

3! (Apex)

Does Cooley Law School require college degree?

No, it does not.

How selective is the school UCLA?

There are about 300,000 selective in ucla.

Do you have to take your ACT to go to Virginia College?

No, the school does not require the SAT or the ACT.

Is a c- passing in college?

It is considered a passing grade. However, many require a C average to graduate. This is usually 3.0 in school. Many of them have a 3.5 requirement in the major that you are working in.

A postsecondary school that does not have a set of admission requirements such as a minimum gpa or test scores is called?

Open college

High school graduate jobs?

Jobs that don't require a college/university degree and you can do straight out of high school?