I love you is one English equivalent of 'Yo te amo'. The words in Spanish are pronounced 'yoh tay AH-moh'. The personal pronoun 'yo' means 'I'. It doesn't have to be used, because the verb identifies the subject as the first person singular. The personal pronoun 'te' means 'you'. The verb 'amo'means '[I] am loving, do love, love'.
Te amo is a spanish term meaning, '' i love you''.
From Spanish to English, the translation of 'te amo' is "I love you."
"I love you, my love" is an English equivalent of "Te amo, mi amor."
Specifically, the personal pronoun "te" means "you." The verb "amo" means "(I) am loving, do love, love." The singular possessive adjective "mi" means "my." The masculine singular noun "amor" means "love."
The pronunciation is "teh AH-moh mee ah-MOHR."
"I love you so much!" is an English equivalent of the Spanish phrase Β‘Te amo tanto! The second person informal singular personal pronoun, first person singular present indicative, and adverb model a difference between the two languages whereby Spanish need not include pronouns -- io ("I") -- other than for emphasis when context and verb endings make the subject clear. The pronunciation will be "tey A-mo TAN-to" in Spanish.
Te amo mi hermano te amo in English means I love you I love you your butt
Amo te
I love you in portugeuse is : Eu Te Amo :) Answer above= Brazil (Eu) Amo-te= Portugal
Ego amo te
Te amo, Iohannes.
I love you not because I need you, but I need you because I love you.
I don't love you anymore.
Te Amo con todo mi corazon
eu te amo. You can also go to 'google' and type in 'translate.'
Te amo, sí = I love you, yes Te amo si = I love you if
Te quiero, Richard. Te amo, Richard. Usually, you don't translate names, but the Spanish equivalent is Ricardo.
Te adoro; te admiror.