Hannah means flower or nose. :) and that's true cause that's my name and i took Japanese class :)
She-Hu-ne-ki, meaning the won who works willingly
http://japanesetranslator.co.uk/your-name-in-japanese/?forename=Hannah&style=0 go on that
to say Hannah it's "hannahsan" srry but idk about Montana
The name Hannah means "favor" or we can also say it means "grace."
Ofcours she is. Do you think she's Japanese?
Hannah means 'grace'. it is a Hebrew name.
Hannah means "gracious".
'Hannah' means 'grace of God'.
Hannah means a very silly and bubbly person who can make everyone smile! Hannah means a very silly and bubbly person who can make everyone smile!
Hanna>>>The main origin is from HebrewIn Hebrew, Hanna means grace. In some sources, it also says it means goddess of life.In Japanese, Hanna means flowerIn Arabic, Hanna means happy
Hannah (also Hanna) means grace, benevolence, favour
Hannah means grace or favour from God.