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セシリア /se shi ri a/ would be the Japanization of that name.

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Q: What does Cecilia mean in Japanese?
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What does cecilia mean in spanish?

The feminine name Cecilia means "blind."

What does the name cecilia mean?

"the way for the blind" or "blind"

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Of course not she is one of the nicest people ever!!!

What does the name Sesilia mean?

This is a variation of Cecilia, a name meaning Blind.

Where is the Cecilia Branch in Cecilia located?

The address of the Cecilia Branch is: 2460 Cecilia Senior H.S. Hwy, Cecilia, 70521 5210

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"Cecilia" in English is Cecilia in Italian.

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Cecilia Bonelli's birth name is Mara Cecilia Bonelli.

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Saints do not have numbers. She is simply Saint Cecilia.

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Deniva does not mean anything in Japanese.

What does Olga mean in Japanese?

"Olga" is not a Japanese word or name, so it doesn't mean anything at all in Japanese. Did you mean, "What is the name "Olga" translated to in Japanese?"