Yes, we do. Sí, lo hacemos.
The words translate to "Sí lo hacemos" (Yes we do it/make it) The answer really depends on context. If this statement is an answer to "Do you have .....?" The translation changes to "Sí [lo] tenemos" (Yes we have it)
The last two words are incorrect. The sentence should be "Lo que quise decir fue soy así." "What I meant was I am like that".
Welcome back to what we do between the holidays
The Spanish word "lo" can be translated to "it" in English. It is often used as a direct object pronoun in Spanish sentences.
"Lo dejo" in Spanish can mean "I leave it" or "I quit." The exact meaning can depend on the context in which it is used.
It is not grammatical, but it means something like: "thus that which for today"
"Lo digo" in Spanish translates to "I say it" or "I'm saying it."
"No te lo comas" is Spanish for "Do not eat it".
He finds it.
"Lo perdí todo" in Spanish translates to "I lost everything" in English.
"Si lo dices" in Spanish translates to "if you say it" in English.