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'Passt schon' means 'already matches'.

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Q: What does 'passt schon' mean in German?
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I always knew = Ich wusste schon immer I always knew German. - Ich konnte schon immer Deutsch (sprechen).

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"Schlaf schon" is a German phrase that translates to "Go to sleep now" in English. It is commonly used to tell someone to go to bed or to stop staying up late.

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Passt auf Euch auf.

What is the German phrase for hug me if you can read this?

cuddle schon

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Come on! can be translated as:Vorwärts!Na los!Husch husch!Komm schon!Mach schon!

How do you say déjà in German?

déjà (French) - already (English) - schon, bereits (German)

How do you say drop it already in German?

Lass es schon.

How do you say beautiful in polish and German?

beautiful in German = schon (the 'o' has two dots over it)

What does schon so fruh mean in German?

"Schon so früh" translates to "so early already" in English. It is a phrase used to express surprise or astonishment at the early timing of something.