Need some context to tell. A literal translation: Fair/lawful by gasping/panting. It's really nonsense - probably someone with no knowledge of Latin used a Latin dictionary to try to translate something.
Te Anhelo was created in 1992.
The cast of Anhelo - 2005 includes: Silvia Carusillo Ana Valeria Russek as Alicia
equus, iustus, iam, licet, aequus
South Herefordshire's motto is 'Fidelis, Sapiens, Iustus'.
The phrase in content of love is "anhelo por ti"
Francesco Coccopalmerio's motto is 'Iustus Ut Palma Florebit'.
Lujuria (loohkooREE-ah) anhelo vehemente (ahNAYlaw bay-ay-MENtay)
You say, "I'm looking forward to meeting you." or "I'm looking forward to seeing you again!"
Titles in English are usually written with the first word, all main words (most important in meaning) and of course any proper nouns capitalized. Afticles and conjunctions are usually not capitalized unless they come first. The Crucible--capital on "The" because it is first. "Peter and the Wolf"--No capitals on internal non-major words. Titles in some other languages do not follow the same pattern. "Ecce quomodo moritur iustus"
There are many English meanings of the word 'fair'. This list will attempt to match most, if not all of them, with Latin equivalents.* Serenus -- calm, serene -- fair as in 'fair weather' * Iustus -- just, lawful, proper -- fair as in 'a fair trial' * Aequus -- level, even, equal -- fair like 'a fair trial', but less legal * Candidus -- radiant, unclouded, pale -- fair as in 'fair hair', describing blondes and such * Satis-- enough, adequately, sufficiently -- fair as in 'a fair amount' * Pulcher -- pretty, beautiful, handsome -- fair as in 'a fair maiden'
Silvia Carusillo has: Played Female victim in "La hija de Daniel" in 2002. Performed in "Cabaret Voltaire" in 2003. Performed in "El gran salto" in 2005. Played Eva in "Manos libres" in 2005. Performed in "Anhelo" in 2005. Played Francine in "Alma legal" in 2008. Performed in "Contrato de amor" in 2008. Played Isabel Clave in "Capadocia" in 2008. Played Susana in "XY. La revista" in 2009. Performed in "Cada quien su santo" in 2009. Performed in "Hilos y cables" in 2010. Played Isabel in "Las Aparicio" in 2010.
you mean what you mean