The phrase 'et alors' means and so?, andso what?, or so what? In the word-by-word translation, the conjunction 'et' means 'and'. And the adverb 'alors' means 'in a short while, then'.
and where do we know each other, then?
"et alors ?" or " et donc ?"
The cast of Et Miaow Alors - 2010 includes: Toshi The Cat as himself
The cast of Et alors - 2007 includes: Nanou Garcia as Mado Denis Rochard as Le voisin
alors on danse ? means 'so, do we dance?' in French?
put that in google translate and you will get the answer. Je t'aime is i love you and mon couer is my heart pour is for votre amour is your love et alors is forever la mort is dead
Bon voyage alors translates as "fare well, then"
Suzanne Fournier has written: 'Et alors?' 'Stolen from our embrace'
Quickly then.
The French word 'alors' can have various meanings depending on the context, but it is commonly used to mean "then" or "so" to indicate a sequence of events or cause and effect. It can also be used to express emphasis or to transition in a conversation.
Translate that then.
"Ça alors", is an expression used in French for exclamation. It is similar to "wow", "amazing" etc. in English.