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My answer is: For the purpose everything to be well done. YOur comments?

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Q: What do you mean when you say for good orders sake?
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Can I say for the sake of mine instead of for my sake?

No. You can say "for the sake of myself" or "for my sake." "For my sake" sounds much better.

How do you say sake in Russian?

Саке (assuming you mean Japanese rice wine).

Hello What Does FFS Mean. All the girls In My Class Say it?

it means for facks sake

How would you say for love?

A good translation would be amoris gratia, "for the sake of love."

How do you say more sake in Japanese?

'Sake no okawari onegaishimasu'.

What does donnerwetter mean in English?

Donnerwetter noch einmal! is a polite way to say Da**it!

How do you say i say i have my orders in German?

I have my orders translates as Ich habe meine Befehle.

Why do people choose Holy Orders?

Holy orders is another word for repentance. We say sorry to God for sinning against him and he welcomes us into his home again. That good enough??

How do you rephrase orders of the president to a possessive noun?

Another way to say 'orders of the President' is 'the President's orders'.

What does it mean when someone says you two should go out and the guy doesn't say anything?

It doesn't mean anything... It could mean that he likes you and is too afraid of rejection to ask.... Or he doesn't and is too afraid to say he doesn't for the sake of whatever relationship you may have...

How do you say it was good in Russian?

You can say "Это было хорошо" in Russian to mean "It was good."

Does semiannual mean exactly 6 months apart?

I want to say it does not. They can be a few weeks different as long as the Doctor orders it.