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Q: What do you call the man who graduates last in his class at medical school?
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Can you become a dentist if your average is c?

You may have to work extra hard to get into dental school, but it's how you do there that counts. And then all you have to do is meet requirements for graduation and certification.Not meaning to slight you at all, the old joke is: What do you call the person who graduates at the bottom of his Medical School class? The answer: Doctor.

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It depends on what you call high school. For most societies it appears to be 17 or 18.

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Call the police.

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You should call the school to ask.

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Bradford Grammar School. And she's in year 10 or 9th grade as all of us in America call it 9th grade

Is the florida virtual school welcome call a phone call?

It is a phone call that is placed by your instructor in order to activate you into the class. You can actually start working on the class before being officially activated through the Welcome Call. The Welcome Call shouldn't happen while you are at school, however. The instructor will need to talk to you and a parent in order to have a successful Welcome Call (most likely in the evening).

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Well, in my school we call it foods or home EC. hope that helps :]

How do you call main class with in main class in java?

We can't call a class. We always call a method in java.

What are the advantage of bringing a cellphone to school?

If there is an emergency u can call ur parents or 911. and if u get sick u can just call and go home. plus u can get help in a class from 1 of ur friends in another class.

How can you find a list of high school seniors in Indianapolis in from 1967?

Go to or if you know the name of the high school call and ask if they could give you the name of the Senior Class President,they should have that information for Senior Class Reunions.

What do you call to stay away from school without an excuse?

ditching. truancy, playing hooky, bunking off, cutting class,

What do you call someone who graduates from usna?

Ensign (or second Lieutenant if he/she went to the Marine corp).