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kothimeera ( కొత్తిమీర)

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Q: What do you call cilantro leaves in Telugu?
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What do you call cilantro in Telugu?

Cilantro in telugu is called "kothimeera". where as the seeds are called dhaniyalu

What do Americans call coriander leaves?

Americans call coriander leaves "coriander" or "cilantro."

What is meaning of cilantro and yogurt in Telugu?

cilantro - kottimeeraYogurt - perugu

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neem leaves: Vepa aaku వేప ఆకు

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What do you say frenugreek leaves in Telugu?

Fenugreek leaves are called "Menthikoora" in Telugu.

Is cilantro corriander?

Some countries call the leaves 'cilantro' and the roots and seeds 'coriander'. Other countries simply call the entire plant coriander but refer to the specific part of the plant i.e. coriander leaf, coriander root and coriander seeds

What is the Telugu meaning of spinach leaves?

Spinach leaves are called "Palakura Aakulu" in Telugu.

How much is 1 cup fresh cilantro to a dried cilantro?

It is less because the dryness make the leaves smaller.(The leaves curl up.)

What is the Telugu word for 'Indian plum leaves'?

The Telugu word for 'Indian plum leaves' is 'Jujube' leaves.

What do you call advertisement in Telugu?

In Telugu, we call advertisement as 'Prakatana'.

What spice is made from the seeds of the plant whose leaves are called cilantro?

Cumin and cilantro are two different plants that are not the same species. Cumin is the ground up seeds of the plant Cuminum cyminum and cilantro the leaves from Coriandrum sativum.Also, cilantro (leaves) and coriander (ground up seeds) come from that same species, Coriandrum sativum. Perhaps you were thinking of coiander instead of cumin?