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A theory

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Q: What do you call a concept that has not been proven or disproven yet?
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What do you call it if fact is proved wrong?

If a fact is proved wrong, it is called a misconception or misinformation.

What do you call a person that says that there may be a higher being and there may not be a higher being?

you call them agnostic. they argue that the existence of a supernatural being cannot be proven or disproven. so there may or may not be a higher being.

What is a allegation call for a legal conclusion?

Question is poorly worded and unclear. An allegation is an unproven assertion, declaration or statement. No legal conclusion is called for until it can be proven, or disproven, one way or the other.

What do you call ideas that haven't been proven false?

a theory

What do you call an individual who have been arrested for a crime before been proven guilty?

A suspect?

Do Call of Duty affect attitude?

it does not affect your attitude. Up to date is has not been scientificly proven that it does.

What do you call hypothesis that has gained a high level of confidence?

A theory. If it has been proven and is replicatable, it is a fact.

Is tesco diet a proven technique?

There are people who will attest to the validity of the Tesco Diet. It has not been out for a real long time so it can be difficult to call it a proven technique.

What do you call a theory that is proven?

A theory that has been confirmed through rigorous testing and observation is typically referred to as a scientific law.

Which psychic ability is to move place to place instantly?

Science fiction only It is call tele-portation and so far, has not been proven to be posible.

Are agnostics enemies to Catholics?

An agnostic is someone who doesn't believe that the existence of God can be proven or disproven. People can have differing beliefs and not be enemies. People of both brands must respect the other as fellow humans.It is also interesting to point out that many Catholics are agnostics; the positions are not mutually exclusive, so it does not make sense to call them enemies or even opposing views.

Testable and capable of being proven false its call?
