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Primary School-

We learn maths from a maths text book, write stories in our story-writing book, have a grammar text book, learn ancient history and science

High School-

Same subjects but more advanced, with extra ones like film and television and home ec.

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Q: What do Australian kids learn in school?
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Kids learn by going to school thats how they learn

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nothing there is no school

What does primary kids learn?

In a primary school for kids of course. Where else?

Why is school boring for kids?

Because Kids have nothing to do at school and they only get a little time to interact with each other at recess And all they do is sit there and learn learn learn 24/7.

How much time do Australian kids spend at school?

Australian kids can spend up to 12 years in school which is 682.5 days and 5-6 hours in the one day for 5 days a week.

What do Jewish kids do in school?

They learn, just like non-Jewish kids do.

Why you need school?

so kids could learn

How does India kids learn education?

By going to school

Why do Australian school kids have to wear uniform?

because its important for their daily life.

How many days do Australian kids go to school?

Five days a week :)

What age are class 4 kids in a Australian school?

Generally about 9 years old.