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a form of speech

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Q: What did the students say their armbands represented?
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What did the students say the armbands representing?

a form of speech

What happened to the students who wore armbands in the tinker case?

No idea

Can students still wear black armbands?

It's up to your school.

What are the rights of students in Conroe Independent School District?

not sure. I thnk it was that they were banned from wearing armbands and then the policy ended. Now they can.

How do you put mutinously in a sentence?

The high school students mutinously wore black armbands to protest the Vietnam wardoes it work?

How do you spell armbands?

You have spelled ARMBANDS correctly

In what order did the events in the Tinker case happen?

To Protest the War students wore armbands and were suspended Students Sued the school district for not allowing them the right of freedom of speech Lower courts ruled in favor of the school district Students took the case to the Supreme court and won

Should students be allowed to wear armbands to protest war while in school?

The legality of wearing armbands in school to protest war is a complex issue. While students have a right to freedom of expression, schools can also impose dress codes to maintain order. Ultimately, it would depend on the school's policies and the specific circumstances of the protest.

On panfu where are the armbands?

the armbands in panfu is where the horse stables are there is a door in the far right and if you go in in the corner there are armbands.

What is the meaning of the traditional red armband with the swastika is this an elite or an officer how much is one worth?

The Swastika armbands were worn by soldiers of the Third Reich and by members of the Hitler Youth. Both officers and enlisted men wore these armbands, as well as male civilian students.

On wweshop it say that Jeff hardy armbands are 15 inches do they stretch and have thumb holes?


What color were the school uniforms at the high school represented in Tinker v. Des Moines?

The Des Moines Independent School District didn't require students to wear uniforms at that time (if they ever did). The issue had nothing to do with clothing, but with the fact that several students chose to wear black armbands to symbolize their protest of the Vietnam War.Case Citation:Tinker v. Des Moines, 393 US 503 (1969)