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Q: What did the researchers fail to protect their subjects from in Harvard Tastes Ties and Time study?
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i think it is he tastes' is right

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What part of the tongue can detect sweet taste?

All of it. The 'tongue map' taught widely in schools, was meant to show which part of the tongue tasted what. According to the map, the tip of the tongue tastes sweet things while at the back tastes bitter things. The sides were for tasting salt and sour. This was based off German research published in 1901 but a person at Harvard University mistranslated it. The original research showed that the areas had relative sensitivity to the 'four basic tastes' while the mistranslated version showed that they could only be tasted in one zone.

What basic tastes can the tongue detect?

The four basic tastes are bitter tastes, sweet/sugary tastes, salty tastes and sour tastesSweet, Salty, Sour and Bitter.

What tastes can you find in a community?

Many tastes prevalent in that society or community.

What does Rak claim Willow tastes like?

it tastes like chocolate

Where is the sweet spot on your tongue?

Different areas of the human tongue have sensitivities to different tastes. Each of these areas contains proportionately more of certain chemoreceptors. Typically, the middle-front of the tongue is more sensitive to sweet tastes, the sides to salty tastes, the center-back to sour tastes, and the very back to bitter tastes. Different areas of the human tongue have sensitivities to different tastes. Each of these areas contains proportionately more of certain chemoreceptors. Typically, the middle-front of the tongue is more sensitive to sweet tastes, the sides to salty tastes, the center-back to sour tastes, and the very back to bitter tastes.

Is tastes a action verb or a condition verb?

The verb tastes is an action verb, a word for the act of tasting. He tastes the fudge before he buys it.The verb tastes can also be a linking verb, when the object of the sentence is a form of the subject: This fudge tastes good. (fudge = good)

. Which sensory receptors detect odors and tastes?

Chemoreceptors detect odors and tastes.