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A bachelor's degree is required (usually a BA). In some colleges it is possible to earn a degree and state certification, each state sets their own certification standards. The general basics are, a degree in liberal arts majoring in elementary, secondary or a specific subject of education, such as mathematics and educational courses such as student teaching. In the majority of states a person must take and pass the state achievement test in the field in which they wish to teach.

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Q: What degree do you need to become a teacher?
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Bachelors degree.

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Is there a certain type of degree you need to become an art teacher?

you need an art education degree.

Do you need a bachelor's degree to become an elementary school teacher?

You need a bachelor's degree and a teaching certificate.

What do you need to become a middle school teacher?

you need at least a bachelors degree from a good teacher education program.

Can I become a teacher with just a bachelor's degree?

Yes, you can become a teacher with just a bachelor's degree, but you will also need to complete a teacher certification program or obtain a teaching license in most states.

What things do you need to become a teacher?

A college degree and a State license.

What courses are needed to become a math teacher?

To become a math teacher you need to complete a bachelor degree program, and be licensed by their state. Private school math teachers need a Bachelors degree but do not have to be licensed..

Do you need a master's degree to become a teacher?

It is rumoured that as of 2012 you will need a masters degree to become a teacher but as i am looking into that career prospect myself i am searching for a definite answer. As if this is true i don't see the point of studying that long after spending my whole life in the education system.

What is required to become a teacher?

In order to become a teacher for high schools you must have a four year degree. You also have to get a teaching degree.

How does a teacher become a teacher?

a teacher becomes a teacher by taking her degree. and then she can teach us

What credentials do I need to become an elementary school teacher?

u need to undergo an education degree to become a teacher.u also need to have a training for teacher. because u cannot simply teach students without any rules.