Annie J. Easley's parents are Samuel Bird Easley and Mary Melvina Hoover .
Annie J. Easley Was 87 when ever she died.
did annie Easley have kids
Although we know that Annie J Easley is married, we don't know whom she is married to.
Annie J. Easley is still alive and at the age of 77.
Annie J. Easley was a computer scientist and mathematician who worked for NASA. She made significant contributions to the development of software for rocket propulsion systems and energy-conversion systems, helping to advance the field of aerospace engineering. Easley also advocated for diversity in STEM fields and encouraged young people, especially women and minorities, to pursue careers in science and technology.
Annie Eas;ley was a black rocket scientist, mathemtician and computer scientist. She was perhaps most famous for being a leading member on the team who developed the software for the Centaur rocket.
Michael J. Easley was born on 2005-02-02.
she did not go to college
He did not go to college.