

What classes can you major in?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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16y ago

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The number of majors available through colleges and universities can be in the hundreds (not that all schools have that many offered themselves). You really need to research different schools and take a look at what they offer. As an example, I just randomly choose one university to give you an idea (Rutgers University, New Jersey). Click under the Related Links section (College Board) indicated directly below this answer section. It will take you to the College Board site which will list all the majors offered at Rutgers on their New Brunswick Campus. You can also use the College Board site to research other colleges and universities. Just make sure the institution you choose to apply to (when that time comes), has a regional accreditation.

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16y ago

First you need to decide on your career goals and objectives. Once you have made your decision, that decision will dictate the path you must follow to achieve that goal or objective. You should look at the U.S. Department of Labor site. This site will give you a list in alphabetical order of just about any career you can think of. It will tell you everything you need to know concerning each career. I have indicated the site below under the related links section.

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