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1) First of all, totally forget about your GCSE's and just think about your favourite subjects and ones that you are good at and choose those.

2) If you haven't already thought of enough options, think of one that you don't mind doing or think you could grow to like and do that.

3) And if you still haven't got enough, explore yourself and do a bit of research about things you like to do in your spare time (like drawing, building things or even playing Video Games!), youll never know, there might be a job in some of the strangest things!

4) You might want to keep your options open and take subjectts like I.C.T/I.T, buisiness and a language (it's always good to show that you're comitted to learn something as lenghty and complicated as that).

And don't be too stressed, its not really your GCSE's that choose your career, its your A levels and later choices in life


well I think you should keep your GCSE's in mind. For example if you decide to do geography as a level it would be very difficult to do so without doing GCSE geography. Also if you want to be a Drama teacher or something theres no point in taking food tech or something is there??

- If your not sure about what you want to do when your older pick a broader range of options: The compulsory subjects, A language, humanities (Geography or History) and one of the arts or Tech( textiles, woodtech,ict, foodtech). This gives you a broader range and you are open to more things.

-also humanties and a language are not compulsory but it is highly recommended

Try this website and connexions (cant remember the site completely but Google it) there's a quiz here to find what learner you are, what path to take for your career, what kind of career that sounds liek you etc.

Really Helpful :)

Choices I'm taking: compulsory (maths, English, re, psheec, pe, science) socialogy, drama, geography and spanish. :)

Hopeee i helpedd. :]]

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15y ago

It depends on what you took for your GCSE's. The A levels you can take are related to the GCSE's you did, so for example if you took Geography at GCSE you could do A levels in Environmental Science or Tourism but probably not History.

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14y ago

depending on the school you are in varies for the different range of options you can apply for ,

here are just a few,

childhood development,

pe / pe theory ,

double science and triple,





buisness studies,

food tech,

fine art,



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13y ago

There are different choices for different schools/countrys.

in my school


English lang

english lit

child development


HE food





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12y ago

Take something you are good at , enjoy, or will help you get the job that you want , dont do it because you like the teacher or because your friends are doing it . If you dont know what job you want you should pick a wide range of subjects . Do Not ever Take a subject that your parents want you to , unless of course you want to do it , Its your options and your life , dont let them take controll do what you want to do .

for example if they want you to be a doctor but you want to be a dancer you be a dancer !

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Yes you can take GCSE Karate as part of your Phys Ed GCSE Course Check with KUGB on this link

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You can do extra GCSE's by asking the teacher, whose subject you are interested in, if they can run sessions after school, therefore allowing you to get extra GCSE's whilst still in school. Also GCSE's can be taken in College. Bagshad :)

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No you have to do English at GCSE level as it is a core subject along with Maths and Science. You get 2 GCSE's for English, 1 for language and 1 for literature. But you don't have to do English for your A-Levels after your GCSE's.

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GCSE results tend to be presented on certificates. Bagshad :)