

What can nuns do?

Updated: 11/6/2022
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11y ago

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"Nunns can not do any thing but they can kiss peo

ple," would be a poor answer, but is what I found here before deciding to change it.

A more appropriate phrasing would be that a Nun can do anything her order permits her to do.

Some contemplative orders maintain vows of silence(no talking) and eat only gruel. Some more active orders act as 'street pastor' and enter dens of iniquity in and attempt to redeem the souls within.

It all depends on the vows they make, though the more common vows would be chastity(no sexual contact), humility(no owning stuff) and charity.

They also can not do any thing that is against their Churches ethos, obviously, such as take part in satanic rituals.

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