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Some says that satellite TV has a negative effect on the society because of the following reasons:

  • Unacceptable levels of sex and violence
  • Tool of rampant commercialization

In my opinion, effects of it in the society have positive effects. These include:

  • Informative news which educate citizens to protect themselves
  • Tool for a real-world education
  • Enhancement of the quality of life
  • Successful economic progress in developing countries
  • Learning of significant events over the course of our lifetimes
  • Check and balance that prevents abuses
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14y ago
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11y ago

Yes, I think that the invention of the television has changed lives for eg: finding if enemies are coming to attack, hospitals, doctors, news and much more

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15y ago

Television as impacted society by changing the way people think, speak, or act. People were amazed at the television and now at almost every family in America has one-two TVs.

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14y ago

it's power to communicate ideas to a huge audience.

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Q: What best describes televisions greatest social impact?
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