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Answer Lets say for instance, you have many strengths and within those strengths you can do many things. In being to do many things, it gives you more opportunity to get more jobs and do better in life than the average person who doesn't have your particular strenghts.

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15y ago

In order to capitalize on your strengths, you first have to know what your strengths are and for the purpose you are intending to use them. You need to identify specifically what all your strengths are. You should also list all of your weaknesses (we all have weaknesses). Having knowledge of your weakness can give more meaning to your strengths, but also gives you information on how to turn your weaknesses into added strengths. You then need to list all the opportunities that are out there for you, and list all the threats; things you feel may interfere with achieving your goals and objectives. The object then is to maximize your strengths and opportunities, while minimizing your weaknesses and threats. Once you put all of this together, you will have a solid foundation from which to start the process of capitalizing, not only your strengths, but also on the opportunities that are before you.

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12y ago

my friend also does not know

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