

Best Answer

Direct agglutination

Passive agglutination

Reverse passive agglutination

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Q: What are the types of agglutination?
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Related questions

Who invented the agglutination tests?

The agglutination tests were developed by Karl Landsteiner in the early 20th century. Landsteiner's work on blood types and agglutination laid the foundation for modern blood typing techniques.

Can blood type O accept blood type A without agglutination?

No, blood type O cannot accept blood type A without agglutination because blood type O has antibodies against blood type A. Mixing incompatible blood types can lead to agglutination, which can be harmful to the recipient.

What is an agglutination test?

An agglutination test is a diagnostic method used to detect specific antibodies or antigens in a sample. The test relies on the visible clumping (agglutination) of particles, such as red blood cells or bacteria, when they are mixed with the target substance. This reaction indicates the presence of the specific antibody or antigen being tested for.

When was Agglutination Metal Festival created?

Agglutination Metal Festival was created in 1995.

Is pregnancy test an antigen-antibody 'agglutination' or 'preciptation' reaction?

Its an agglutination test

Is agglutination reaction affected by temperature?

Yes, agglutination reactions can be affected by temperature. High temperatures can denature antibodies, leading to reduced agglutination. It is important to perform agglutination tests at the recommended temperature to ensure accurate results.

What is the clumping together of RBCs by antibodies?

coagulation- is not the correct answer! The correct answer from my "Anatomy and Physiology" book is Agglutination

What is the term for process of clumping?


What is an agglutin?

An agglutinant is an agent or viscous substance which causes agglutination - adhesion or uniting, such as glue.

What is the difference between aggregation and agglutination?

Aggregation involves clumping of platelets while agglutination involves clumping of particles in the presence of antibodies.

What is the difference between blood clot formation and the process of blood agglutination?

what is the difference between blood clot formation and the process of blood agglutination

Can Precipitation reaction be converted into agglutination reaction?

No, precipitation and agglutination reactions are different processes. In precipitation reactions, an insoluble complex forms when antigens and antibodies interact, resulting in visible clumping. Agglutination reactions involve the clumping of cells or particles in the presence of specific antibodies, but the mechanisms and outcomes are distinct.