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The predators of harp seals:


2. Orca whales

3. Killer whales

4. Polar Bears

5. Sharks

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Q: What are the predators of a harp seal?
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How do harp seals hide from its predator?

what are the predators of a harp seal

What does the harp seal want to do with its predators?

Kill them

Who are the predators of a harp seal?

Polar Bears, Orca Whales, Humans, and more!

How do harp seal swim?

Harp seals need to be able to swim fast so that they can escape predators as well as to catch fish to eat.

What are harp seal's predators?

humans orca whales sharks polar bears and sometimes walruses

How does a harp seal protect their young?

harp seals protect their young by building lairs under snowdrifts to shield them from harsh Artic weather and predators

Do harp seals have predators?

Yes. The harp seal is hunted by sharks and polar bears. But the most dangerous predators of the harp seal are the humans. We need to stop hunting animals and live off of our own food we make. Like we can get milk from cows, but that's not hurting them. I don't know what were gonna do about those poor little chickens.):

What is a harp seal covered in?

A harp seal is covered in fur.

What do you need to make a harp seal?

A mommy harp seal and a daddy harp seal. Want details? Ask your parents.

Do harp seals have enemies?

The natural predators, and enemies of the Harp Seal are about the same. The Greenland Shark, Walrus, Polar Bear, and humans are all natural predators of the Harp Seal. But, humans are more than just a predator, they are a threat or enemy too. Humans hunt the Harp Seal on a current basis, but then fishing lines, nets, and other equipment used to capture other species is carelessly left in the water by the fisheries, entangling the Harp Seal. The pollution, trash and plastics dumped in the oceans are an ongoing, and growing threat, along with the destruction, and over use of their habitat by man. For more details, please see the sites listed below.

What is the diet of a harp seal?

the diet of a harp seal is mostly fish and crustaceans

What do humans hunt harp seal for?

they hunt the harp seal mainly for their fur