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parts: cell body, dendrites, and axon. i don't know what they do though..

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Q: What are the parts of a neuron and what the different parts do?
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What are the three parts of a neuron-?

The three main parts of a nueron are: the dendrites, the axon, and the cell body.

What parts of a neuron is capable of generating a graded potential?

The dendrites portion of a neuron will generate a potential.

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What are the five parts of a reflex?

Five parts of a reflex arc are the receptor, sensory neuron (afferent), integration center, motor neuron (efferent), and effector.

What are the parts of neuron describe and give its the function?

A neuron has three basic parts, the cell body, the axon, and the dendrites.For more info, see the related link below.

What is the specific cell of the brain?

The specific cell in the brain is the neuron. Neurons are specialized cells that transmit electrical and chemical signals in the brain and nervous system, allowing for communication between different parts of the body.

In a neuron impulses move?

In a neuron, impulses move through electrical signals known as action potentials. These action potentials are generated when a neuron receives enough stimulation to reach a threshold, causing a rapid change in membrane potential. The action potential then travels down the length of the neuron's axon until it reaches the next neuron or target cell.

What are the parts of neuron and its function?

The three main parts of a neuron are the soma (cell body), the axons, the long trailing output of a neuron and the dendrite or dendritic tree. Almost all neurons have axons, but not all axons have a dendritic tree.

What are the parts and function of neuron?

The three main parts of a neuron are the soma (cell body), the axons, the long trailing output of a neuron and the dendrite or dendritic tree. Almost all neurons have axons, but not all axons have a dendritic tree.

What is the parts of an sensory neuron?

affrent , efferent, and inerneurons

What are the two parts the neuron is split up into?

There are actually 3 parts to a neuron. The dendrites are tree branch like projections that receive nerve impulses from another neuron, the cell body that contains the nucleus, and the axon, a long fiber that carries the nerve impulse away from the cell body to the next neuron.