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  • market research Measure the past not the future.
  • Report findings does not makes decisions. Market research provides information upon which decisions are made.
  • Address accurately certain topics and issues. There are a range of techniques that market researchers can use but sometimes the techniques are inadequate for the tasks that have been set.

· Reliability of the data - the value of any research findings depend critically on the accuracy of the data collected. Data quality can be compromised via a number of potential routes, e.g., leading questions, unrepresentative samples, biased interviewers etc. Efforts to ensure that data is accurate, samples are representative and interviewers are objective will all add to the costs of the research but such costs are necessary if poor decisions and expensive mistakes are to be avoided.

· A research project takes several months in designing & execution and by the time its recommendation are available to management, they are useless. A research project should, therefore be planned in such a way that its recommendation are available at the time the marketing manager needs them for decision making.

Another limitation of marketing research is the paucity of the trained research personnel.

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1.Educational research come to face a limit, when the clients fails to provide the effective answers to a researcher,when he/she collecting the data in research field.

2.Lack of enough fund to support a researcher to access the areas where research is to be carried.

3.The nature of content to be investigated.This can a limit to research because some of content are difficult to obtain information about them;according to the nature of the areas.

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Access to information

Access to resources

Time management

Access to expirts for editing, proofreading, and guidance

Support from organizations and partciapants

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