

Best Answer
  1. Who
  2. What
  3. When
  4. Where
  5. Why

Who: My friend and I

What: Doing Homework

When: 3:32 P.M., November 12, 2010

Where: At his house in Vancouver, Canada

Why: We wanted a good grade in school

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This is a set of questions to remind you of the information that you need to write a good article or story.

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Q: What are the five w questions?
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Who what where when why?

The basic questions of a journalist: the five W's and the H, for how.

What do you do during the pre reading stage use the 5w organizer?

Survey the headings and subheadings of the text and ask the five W questions.

What questions should a reporter ask?

Its called the Five W's and the H. * Who? * What? * When? * Where and * How.

Asking the five W questions can help you to?

get a better understanding of the text.

What are five higher order questions involving the Korean War?

5 w's who what why when where

What are the five W's and one H?

The five W's and one H are: who, what, where, when, why, and how. They are essential questions used in journalism and investigations to gather information and understand the context of a situation.

How can you use the five Ws in the pre-reading stage?

By creating a 5W organizer

Why is it useful to ask the five W questions while reading?

In order to understand a text better

What is the five w's rule?

The five W's rule is a principle used for information gathering and reporting that involves asking who, what, when, where, why (and sometimes how) to fully understand a situation or story. By addressing these key questions, one can ensure that all important details are included in the reporting or analysis.

What does w w w w w signify?

Five 'w' could signify the five common question words:whowhatwhenwhywhere

Why do most of the Wh questions start with Wh?

most of the questions start with a wh because there are the five w's and most of them start with a wh

Why do most questions begin with w?

Most questions start with w because usually a question starts with why, who, when, or where. Even your question starts with W, silly!