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Colleges and universities have a great deal of latitude in determining not only the criteria by which they make their determinations, but the process as well. In general terms, colleges look for students who: challenge themselves academically; demonstrate academic achievement through high marks or grades; score well on standardized tests; and participate in a number of extra- and co-curricular activities in and outside of school.

The extent to which each of these and other criteria matter depends in large part upon the mission of the institution. Colleges also consider letters of recommendation from teachers and counselors, the quality of writing as evidenced by a student's application essay(s),

and even the demonstrated level of interest shown by the student (generally measured by contact and campus visits).

If you're preparing for the college admissions process and are unsure of what does and doesn't matter, it's safe to follow this simplified advice: Push yourself in and out of the classroom, and do the things you enjoy. And of course, it never hurts to ask individual colleges about their criteria.

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Q: What are the factors that selective colleges take into consideration when deciding to admit a student to college?
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