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4x50 Yd Medley Relay, 200 Yd Freestyle, Individual Medley(100- J.V., 200- V), 50 Yd Freestyle, Butterfly(50- J.V., 100- V), 100 Yd Freestyle, 500 Yd Freestyle(Varsity only), 4x50 Freestyle Relay, Backstroke(50- J.V., 100- V), Breaststroke(50-J.V., 100- V), 4x100 Yd Freestyle

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Q: What are the events in a swim meet for high school?
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Related questions

How far do you have to swim to graduate high school?

You don't have to swim any distance. High school graduation is based on how well you do in the class, not in the pool.

Do high schools teach you how to swim?

Mostly just depends on the high school, if a pool is available to the school, and course options.

Did Detroit public high school boys take swim class in the nude in the '60s?

at jackson jr. high school we did

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Do high school swim teams make you shave you legs arms and underarms?

Some high school swim teams have a tradition of requiring athletes to shave their legs, arms, and underarms before competitions. This practice is believed to reduce drag in the water and improve performance, but it is not a rule enforced by all swim teams.

What to do at High school parties?

eat drink swim dance chill out with friends

How do you make meet plural?

To 'meet' someone is a verb. 'To meet' is an infinitive. A swim 'meet' is a singular now. There are multiple swim 'meets' is a PLURAL noun.

What is a fast mile swim?

fast for a high school girl is like 19 minutes

What sports did Ronald Reagan do during high school and college?

He played football and was on the swim and track teams in college. In high school he also was on the basketball team.

How much do swimming officials get paid?

I am a USA swim official, it is a volunteer position. If you have travel for the Olympics or sone other big meet, they will give you an allowance. I am also a high school swim official, most schools pay $25-35 a meet. Some do not pay at all. I am also a summer league swim official ..totally volunteer. I also am a TAAF official for the state meet $50 a session plus hotel and they feed you breakfast amd lunch

How do you try out for the swimming events?

well first you need to find a local swim club usually at the local high school and sign up then theres practice you'll have assigned practice times if you choose to attend that's up to you then there are scheduled meets against other swim clubs in your area that's when your coach puts you into swimming events and you race against other swimmers

There are 16 people on your swim team one fourth of the team went to a swim meet in aprilHow many people went to the swim meet in April?
