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Q: What are the effects of intructional materials in teaching and learning of chemistry?
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What is the relevance of instructional materials in teaching learning process?

it motivate students to listen to the teacher during teaching

Importance of improvised materials in teaching and learning?

Improvised materials in teaching and learning can foster creativity, problem-solving skills, and resourcefulness in students. They provide hands-on experiential learning opportunities that help students engage more deeply with concepts. Moreover, improvised materials are often cost-effective and readily available, making learning more accessible to a wider range of students.

What are some tips for teaching in a classroom setting?

Try to maintain class order, otherwise learning will be disrupted and learning may not take place, also sufficient learning materials need to be provided in order for efficient teaching to take place.

In nigeria why is our educational standard is falling down on daily basis?

lack of proper teaching/learning materials

What are the advantages of electronics materials in teaching?

to experience the vital role of technology in the teaching and learning process.

What are low cost teaching materials?

Low cost no cost materials are the teaching aids which require no or available cheaply, and developed by locally available resources and expedite the process of learning in the class room.Low cost no cost material are developed from the waste and help the teacher in making the teaching interesting and concrete.

Is teaching a system?

YES! teaching is a system. Teaching is made up of different components that need to work in concert for the objective of the lesson to be achieved. the components are; 1. the teacher 2. the students 3. teaching learning materials 4. the subject matter and 5. the environment the teaching and learning is to take place these components need to be combined in an effective way before lessons objectives can be met.

What are some methodological considerations in language teaching?

Some methodological considerations in language teaching include choosing appropriate teaching materials, adapting teaching strategies to suit students' learning styles and proficiency levels, providing opportunities for interactive and communicative language practice, and incorporating technology to enhance learning experiences. Teachers should also be mindful of cultural considerations and create a supportive and inclusive learning environment.

How do you employ story telling method in teaching and learning?

The use of story telling in teaching and learning

Why is it important to have an instructional materials in teaching mathematics?

Instructional materials in teaching mathematics provide visual aids and hands-on resources that can help students grasp abstract concepts more easily. These materials can engage learners, reinforce understanding, and cater to different learning styles, leading to a more effective and inclusive learning experience.

What is the effect of instructional material in teaching and learning in the school?

it motivate students to listen to the teacher during teaching

What is contextual needs in relation to teaching?

Contextual needs in teaching refers to recognizing and addressing the specific requirements, backgrounds, and learning styles of individual students within their unique learning environments. This involves adapting teaching strategies, materials, and approaches to meet the diverse needs of students, considering factors such as cultural differences, language proficiency, and learning disabilities. By understanding and responding to contextual needs, educators can create inclusive and supportive learning environments that promote student success.