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Q: What are the different parts of a bird?
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What are the different parts of the mouth?

Bills or beaks are the type of mouthpart that a bird has. The beak is shaped in a way for the type of food that the bird eats.

Is it legal to shoot a bird in North America?

Such laws vary by jurisdiction, and North America has many jurisdictions, so there'll be many different laws on this throughout different parts of North America.

What body parts does a toucan have?

It's a bird, it has the same body parts as birds usually have.

What are the different densities of a bird's bones?

bird bones are lighter

What's a drongo?

A drongo is a bird that lives in Africa, some parts of Australia, and in Asia. There are many different kinds of drongo including the crested drongo, the hair-crested drongo and many others.A drongo is a tropical passerine bird.

What are some Parts of a bird gullet?

A bird's gullet is its crop, its stomach. It is a soft "sack" that holds a bird's food until the food is processed by the body. Similar to our stomach. I don't think it really has "parts" except for an entrance and an exit.

How many body parts does an ostrich have?

As many as any bird has.

How is an ornithoter different from a bird?

An ornithopter is a device, whereas a bird is an animal

What is a homologous sturcture?

Homologous structures are the same body parts found in different species that look different and do different things that are also made of the same thing ex. the human forearm and the wing of a bird are composed of the same bones however have a completely different appearance and function.

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How do you get the chicken parts in platform racing 2?

you get bird head in ''razor blade'',bird feet in ''Blacklight'',and bird body in ''new york'' you have to play with four people and win the race reply:thanks heres a secrete were DID U GET THIS?????????

What features of the platypus suggest that it is a bird?

No features suggest it is a bird. It is a mammal. The bill of a platypus serves a quite different function to that of any bird, as bird do not have electroreceptors in their bills. Platypuses do lay eggs, but even the eggs are quite different to those of a bird.