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If I read the question correctly, The two things that come to mind is slumped shoulders and if the posture is not corrected, a permanent curve will stay in the spine and cause disc compression in the spine. The other is carpal tunnel syndrome of the wrists from holding them in the same position for so long. Repetitive Stress Injury is one of the unfortunate consequences of keyboarding, texting, and using any device that requires small motor function. Keyboarding should be learned using the proper method - touch method - to avoid such injury. Although this injury occurs over a long period of time, it is painful and it takes a long time to recover from the damage to your wrists and hands. Additionally, incorrect posture can be a real pain in the neck (literally) and back. To avoid injuring yourself from using the computer, use correct keyboarding method. The warning is right on the computer box.

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Q: What are the different health related issues and problems in computer keyboarding?
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