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Q: What are the characteristics of centralized organization?
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What is centralized organization?

Centralized Organization is a type of organisation where all decision are made by the top manegement to bottom. No autonomy to sub groups

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Is Apple a centralized or decentralized organization?

Its production techniques are decentralized in that a lot of outsourcing occurs. However, decision-making I suggest is centralized

Describe the organization of Ottoman Government and explain why it was effective?

Ottoman centralized government with universal access to centralized authority. It was available to each citizen of the Empire.

In a traditional organization marketing decisions are generally centralized at the top levels of the organization?

In a traditional organization, marketing decisions are typically made by senior executives or a centralized marketing department. This top-down approach can lead to slower decision-making and limited input from lower-level employees.

What is vertical structure of an organization?

A vertical structure is also known as a centralized organization. In business, it relies on top level managers to run smoothly.

Why was Britain's policy of indirect rule in Nigeria unsuited for the Igbo?

The Igbo lacked a centralized political organization.

Why was Britains policy of indirect rule in Nigeria unsuitable for Igbo?

The Igbo lacked a centralized political organization.

What is the difference between centralised and decentralised purchasing?

the difference between centralized and decentralized purchasing system of organization is that in a centralized structure all the decision making and authority are focused on the top tier or management

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