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Challenges in school period.

For one thing there is a lack of knowledge. Teachers especially in elementary schools do not have the direct training required for higher levels of science education. Many teachers do not feel comfortable teaching science and are very unsure of how to go about teaching science even though many schools are adopting programs that come with all the guided material necessary to provide students with hands on concrete experiences.

Another probelm is the stress of the No Child Left behind act. This act and the mandates thereof leave both administrators and teachers alike stressed to make sure that all the required material that will be presented on the standardized test will be covered. If the school does not make AYP (average yearly progress) funding will be cut and over a period of time if the school continues not to make AYP a revamping process for that school will occur and parents will have an option of legally transferring there children to other schools.

As far as preschool just coming up with creative fun hands on age appropriate activities can be a challenge. There are many books that you can borrow from the library that outline different experiments,etc. for school aged children. Simplicity is the key but still allowing preschoolers to explore and understand the world around them. An example is floating. Putting a raw egg in water and an hard boilded egg and having the students perdict which one will float. There are others that I cannot think of right now but teaching science in preschool is not as hard as one would think. Just talking about plants, animals, magnets, electricity, gravity, etc. is all science related and relevant for when they reach kindergarten on up.

D. Middleton

First Grade Teacher/Biologist

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