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There are a number of specialties to include the following.

* Finance * Marketing * Entrepreneurship * Accounting * Management * real estate * Nonprofit * Health Care * Human Services Management * Sports Management * Economics * Organizational Management

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9y ago

As far as I know BBA is a 3 years course. It's divided into 6 semesters. For the first 5 semester the syllabus would be the same for all and in the 6th sem students would be asked to choose the specialisations according to their interests like Finance, Marketing, HR, Systems, Production, etc, tourism and travel is one of the most that is in fashion and has good placement this day. I would suggest you go for tour and travel management from UTM-SHillong due to it's extensive practical based learning.

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14y ago

BusinessResources Article

What is Business Administration?

As an educational term, business administration has come to encompass an extraordinary number of academic study areas. As businesshas become more complex, so too has the oversight of companies: their management, their growth strategies, their personnel issues, their taxes and the role that taxes play in corporate economic strategy. Advertising has grown to include multiple media outlets and an assortment of targeted interest groups: new customers, repeat customers, stockholders, investors and new geographic markets. Marketing has become the term of choice for all of this strategically placed product exposure.

Defining business administration then means defining oversight roles for the assortment of internal specialties that every business of any size has come to include. That is why business administrationdegrees are now offered with a remarkable number of categorical specialties available as choices of study. Perhaps the best way to define business administration is to look at the types of courses offered in MBA curriculums and the specialties, or "majors," that one can opt for in an MBA program.

For a large corporation, business administration is going to include international and global business, as well as strategy and economics. In this instance, the definition of businessadministration will include requirements of certain cultural differences and an acute understanding of the global economy and its current fluidity. Also included in business administration at this scale is the art and science of acquisition: when to buy a company or property and why.

Businessadministration will always include the intangible quality of leadership; you can obtain an MBA that specializes in just that. Along with leadership comes the task of negotiation and conflict resolution, specifically with regard to personnel. Behavioral psychology plays an important role in businessadministration: a misstep in an adversarial situation with a union can take a company under, as it did Continental Airlines some years ago.

The definition of businessadministration will have to include marketing; you won't have a business to administer unless you sell your products. Ancillary to marketing is an understanding of the new tools available for product distribution, and that will involve understanding e-business and how it is rapidly evolving.

Whether you are working with distributors that are small businesses or you are starting your own business, business administrationincludes an understanding of entrepreneurship: tax structures for small businesses along with personnel issues at that level, inventory and cash flow, and all the other small matters that make a big difference to a new or small business.

A critical part of business administration is the awareness of risk. This might include the risk of launching a new product, and the costs involved; the risk of an acquisition, the risk of a competitive strategy, the company's exposure in opting for this health plan instead of that one. There are risks involved in other personnel decisions and this area is of tangible importance: company morale is a key to productivity and the resultant profitability.

There are MBA courses taught in all of these areas, and MBA degrees that specialize in many of them. The definition of businessadministrationincludes whatever knowledge is required to make all of these components work productively, if not in complete harmony.

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