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The best position is the fetal position, curled into a ball. I used to use that position when I was growing up. Never flat on your back or stomach. Hoped that helped.

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No bleeding during menstruation?

Yes there is bleeding during menstruation

Is the egg released during menstruation?

No, the egg is not released during menstruation. Menstruation occurs when the lining of the uterus sheds because fertilization did not occur. The egg is released during ovulation, which typically happens around the middle of a woman's menstrual cycle.

Does bananas help you with your on your period?

Bananas can help some women during menstruation, they're a source of potassium which is needed in menstruation and can help to prevent menstrual cramps or other symptoms of 'PMS'. Generally speaking a good overall diet will help prevent a wide range of menstrual problems, eating banana's during menstruation isn't nearly as useful as a healthy balanced diet throughout your cycle.

Can you be pregnant during menstruation?

Probably not, however there have been cases of pregnancy and a mild menstruation during first trimester of pregnancy.

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You can do absolutely anything you like during menstruation - there is absolutely nothing that you can't do on your period. In fact some things can be better during menstruation, for example sex can be a lot more pleasurable during menstruation and many women find they're much more creative during menstruation so they may be more likely to create great works of art.

Why when have menstruation cant eat spicy and salty?

You can eat whatever you want during menstruation, there's no reason to restrict yourself if you don't want to. People suggest to avoid salty and spicy food during menstruation to people who experience bloating and cramps during menstruation as these things can worsen symptoms.

Does menstruation occurs after conceiving?

No, conception isn't possible during menstruation. During menstruation there is no egg present to be fertilised, although it's important to point out that a woman may still be fertile during menstruation: there may be fertile cervical mucus present, which can keep sperm alive in the vagina long enough so that there is still sperm present when a woman ovulates after menstruation.

Can you ovulating during pregnancy?

No, there is no ovulation or menstruation during pregnancy.

Do you gain weight on during menstruation?

Yes, usually. Most women gain about 2-5 pounds before and during menstruation, on average.

Do you take pregnacare during your period?

No, you can't get pregnant during your period...but you can get pregnant as a result of sex during your period. Women don't ovulate during menstruation, however if a woman has a short menstrual cycle she may have fertile quality cervical mucus present during menstruation, this can keep the sperm alive in the vagina for up to 7 days by which time she may ovulate. Thus always use birth control to prevent unwanted pregnancy.

Is fertilization possible during menstruation?

Not the least

Is iron reduced during menstruation?
