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Q: What are the academic performance theories?
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What are some theories about academic performance?

Some theories about academic performance include social learning theory which suggests that students learn through observation and modeling of their peers and teachers, self-efficacy theory which proposes that a student's belief in their ability to succeed can impact their academic performance, and cognitive load theory which looks at how the brain processes information and how this can affect learning and performance.

What theories best explain academic performance?

Several theories can explain academic performance, including the social learning theory, which emphasizes the influence of social experiences on learning; the self-efficacy theory, which highlights an individual's belief in their ability to succeed; and the cognitive theory, which focuses on mental processes such as memory and problem-solving skills. These theories suggest that academic performance is influenced by a combination of environmental, psychological, and cognitive factors.

What is academic and non academic performance?

When You are in academy your activity evaluate as academic performance & when you are not in academy your activity in non academic performance.

What are the effect of poor academic performance?

According to research, poor academic performance can often lead to poverty. Poverty then affects academic performance, and unfortunately, the cycle continues.

What is the relationship of academic performance and occupational interests?

Typically, passion for a field increases academic performance.

How can you prove that the IQ is not a sole predictor in good academic performance?

Find a set of people who all have the same IQ, but varied levels of academic performance. If academic performance varies as IQ is held constant, QED.

What is scholastic performance?

Scholastic performance refers to a student's academic achievements and abilities, typically measured by grades, test scores, and other academic evaluations. It reflects a student's comprehension, retention, and application of knowledge in various subjects or disciplines.

How do students affect their academic performance?


What is performance academically?

Academic performance refers to the outcome of a studentÕs education and the accomplishments done on the different tasks that the teachers assigned. This is also called as academic achievement.

What is the related literature of academic performance?

Related literature on academic performance typically covers factors that influence student achievement such as socioeconomic status, parental involvement, teacher quality, student motivation, and learning environment. Studies may also explore interventions and strategies to improve academic performance, such as educational programs, technology integration, and assessment methods. Researchers often use various theoretical frameworks to understand the complex dynamics affecting academic success.

What is the impact of ecstasy on academic performance?

Ecstasy can have negative impacts on academic performance due to its effects on memory, cognition, and concentration. Its use can lead to impaired learning, reduced ability to retain information, and difficulty focusing on academic tasks. Additionally, regular use of ecstasy may also lead to a decline in academic motivation and overall performance.

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