Grandmother = savta (סבתא) Grandfather = saba (סבא)
The Swahili word for grandmother is "bibi" and the word for grandfather is "babu."
In Syrian Arabic, grandmother is said "teta" (تتا) and grandfather is said "jido" (جدو).
Grandmother is Yia-Yia and Grandfather is Pa-Pou. Grandfather can also be Bapi.
The word for "grandfather" in French is "grand-père" and the word for "grandmother" is "grand-mère."
In Syrian or Lebanese Dialect, Jadda is grandmother and Jiddie is grandfather. In Lebanese Dialect, the word for grandma is Sito; for grandpa it is jiddu. In general arabic, you can also use for the grandmother, Tatah and for Grandfather its Jiddo.
Grandmother in Spanish is "abuela" and grandfather is "abuelo".
The feminine form of grandfather is grandmother.
The baby's grandfather's son's grandmother is the baby's maternal grandmother.
DanishThe word for 'grandmother' is 'bedstemor', litterally meaning 'best mother'. We do more often say 'mormor' (mother's mother) or 'farmor' (father's mother). PortugueseAvó.
Seedo (سيده) means "sir" or "Mr.", but does not mean "words of grandfather". If you wish to say "words of grandfather" it is: Kelaam al-jodd (كلام الجد)
Grandmother is "avó" and grandfather is "avô" in Portuguese.