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1. organic

2. neuromuscular

3. interpretive

4. emotional

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Q: What are the four aspects of development in physical education?
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What are the four services in physical education?

There are four aspects to physical education. Those aspects are: physical, mental, emotional and social. In recent years many schools have added health and nutrition to physical education.

What are the four basic of physical education in college?

physical development, social & moral development,

Specify any four principles of physical fitness development?

Specify any four principles of physical fitness development.

What are the four types of sports in physical education?

In my opinion Physical education has many kinds. for example: Physical education through physical activities Physical education is a knowledge of body mechanisum Physically &Mentally healthy society based on physical education Physical education provides recreation Physical education deals with the perception and responces of human beings Emman kazi

What do you call the four developmental levels social emotional linguistic cognitive and physical development?

The four developmental levels are typically referred to as social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development. These areas encompass different aspects of a child's growth and can be influenced by various factors such as environment and experiences. It is important to support and nurture development in all these areas for a child to reach their full potential.

What are the four aspects PE?

.. 4 objectives of physical education... →PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT ►Through the carefully selected physical an individual who participates actively will develop and maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness. The acquisitron of physical skills can motivate an individual to participate, further in physical activities hence his growth and development will be enhance. →SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ►Participation in the physical education activities provides opportunities for the development of desirable social traits needed for adjustment to the social life in general. Some worth while traits are: -friendliness -cooperation -respect for the rights of others -good sports worship -honesty in group competition →EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ►The informal nature of physical education activity offers opportunities for self-expression and emotional mastery. example of traits are: -self confidence -self control -self- reliance -courage -determination →MENTAL DEVELOPMENT ►Through participation in physical education activities the individual develops his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical principles underlying movement, as he acquired knowledge and understanding of rules and strategies of games and sports, and as he discovers ways of improving his movements in gymnastics and dance.

What are the Four aspects in PE?

.. 4 objectives of physical education... →PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT ►Through the carefully selected physical an individual who participates actively will develop and maintain good health and a high level of physical fitness. The acquisitron of physical skills can motivate an individual to participate, further in physical activities hence his growth and development will be enhance. →SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT ►Participation in the physical education activities provides opportunities for the development of desirable social traits needed for adjustment to the social life in general. Some worth while traits are: -friendliness -cooperation -respect for the rights of others -good sports worship -honesty in group competition →EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT ►The informal nature of physical education activity offers opportunities for self-expression and emotional mastery. example of traits are: -self confidence -self control -self- reliance -courage -determination →MENTAL DEVELOPMENT ►Through participation in physical education activities the individual develops his mental capacities as he learns the mechanical principles underlying movement, as he acquired knowledge and understanding of rules and strategies of games and sports, and as he discovers ways of improving his movements in gymnastics and dance.

What are the four aspects of a human being?

The four aspects of a human being are the mind, the body, the personality & the spirit

What was Clark Hetherington's four objectives of physical edcaution?

Organic education, psychomotor education, character education, intellectual education

What are the four aspect of the physical education?

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doors, locks, windows, bombs

What are the principle of human development?

The four principles of human development are social, cognitive, emotional, and physical.