

What are teachers made of?

Updated: 10/10/2023
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12y ago

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Teachers are made of dictionarys and a whole lot of knoladge and apples

P.S That's not true

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Q: What are teachers made of?
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In May 2008, elementary school teachers had average yearly wages of $52,240. Middle school teachers made an average of $52,570 each year, while high school teachers made $54,390 each year. Special education teachers made slightly more than regular teachers. Some teachers earn extra money during the summer by doing other jobs.

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What is a teacher's salary?

In May 2008, elementary school teachers had average yearly wages of $52,240. Middle school teachers made an average of $52,570 each year, while high school teachers made $54,390 each year. Special education teachers made slightly more than regular teachers. Some teachers earn extra money during the summer by doing other jobs.

How would you use the word teachers' in a silly sentence?

Teachers' is a plural possessive meaning "belonging to the teachers." The teachers' room is full of balloons. The teachers' pies are made of custard. Or a really silly one: The teachers' farts smelled up the entire school and the principal had to send everyone home for a gas mask!

Does the gym teachers the movie made in 2008 sucks?

yes it do

Can you give me a sentence for the word facility?

The facility in the school is made up of teachers.

To close school the principal calls six teachers who in turn call six more if each of those teachers call six more how amny calls will be made by the teachers in this last group?

If the principal called 6 teacher and those teachers called 6 more teachers that would be 24 teacher in total. This is considered a math problem.

How in-service teachers training can be made effective?

In-service teacher training can be made effective by incorporating relevant and practical content, providing opportunities for teachers to practice new skills, offering ongoing support and feedback, and allowing for collaboration and sharing of best practices among teachers. Additionally, training should be tailored to the specific needs and interests of teachers to enhance engagement and motivation.