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Intersecting Lines. Two lines next to each other but go straight and never meet are called parallel lines. Perpendicular is when two lines cross right into the middle and makes 4 right angles (90 degrees).

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Q: What are straight lines crossing over each other called?
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What do you call straight lines crossing over each other?


Are line segments parallel with each other?

it depends on how you place it, they can be. all a line segment is is a straight line, if you have two you can have parallel or crossing lines.

What are veins that run in straight lines next to each other?

Those are likely muscle veins or superficial veins, which conduct oxygen-depleted blood back to the heart. These veins generally travel parallel and closely together along the length of the muscle or body part.

What do you call two lines crossing each other?

An intersection

What do you call straight lines that intersect each other?

Perpendicular lines.

What are lines that are not parallel or perpendicular?

In two dimensions the lines would be intersecting lines not perpendicular (I believe this is called transversal, see related link). If you are in three dimensions they would be skew lines, like to jets crossing above you that don't hit each other. One is higher than the other.

What are Lines that cross each other?

intersecting lines...

What is the definition of parallel lines?

Two straight lines that are equidistance from each other.

How do you draw a perpendicular line segments?

two lines crossing each other

How are perpendicular lines and intersecting lines alike and different?

they both have lines crossing each other which make angles. perpendicular lines make right angles while intersecting lines make other kinds

What is a shape which has 3 lines but isn't a triangle?

If the shape has three straight lines and no other lines then it has to be a triangle

What are parelell lines?

Parallel lines are 2 long straight lines that don't touch each other