There are different types of school boys. Some school boys are very posh and go to private schools that their parents send them to and they do well in exams and other school boys that go to private schools can be rude and not want to go to school and don't do well in exams.
There are several schools that go by that name - some are boys schools and some are co-ed and some were boys-only and have become co-ed. Which one in particular are you asking about?
It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.It is a school for boys, so there are no girls.
Some boys dont like school so they dont put there all into there work. And then act dumb.
It depends on the boy. Boys can have different types of girls they like. Some boys like tom boys and some like girly girls.
There are different types of jewelry designed more for boys and/or young men. These include specialty chains, bracelets, and even unique styles of rings.
Many boys are still short in Middle School. It just depends on when they develop. Many boys can still be growing in college. Some people will always be short but middle school isn't always the spot to determine that.
Yes, it was a boys' school in 1800, and still is except for 6th form, where there are girls and boys.
Simon Langton Grammar School for Boys was created in 1881.
Yes. It is a 100% boys' school.
Jewish boys started school at the same age that non-Jewish boys started school.
Winterbourne Junior Boys' School was created in 1906.
A great all boys boarding school is Cardigan Mountain School. Visit their website at to find out how to apply for admissions and to take a tour.