Visual learners are best at reading and writing, so read your notes, write them over again to reinforce that, and look at any pictures or charts in the textbook.
You might also make a study deck for test material -- see related question.
All of the above are effective tips for teaching an auditory learner
Some good study tips for testing are to find somewhere you can concentrate. If you need help on the material, try asking your professor or someone else knowledgeable.
And here's a link to the question "What are some good studying tips?"
Some tips to score a high percentage in examination are to study your notes prior to the exam. This will give a person a better understanding and an overview of what they can expect on the exam itself.
Using my vast psychic abilities to tell the future, I predict that unless you study, you will fail the class. If you want study tips and homework help, browse the Learning Tips section and get some help so that you won't fail!
i also have ADHD and i find it easier to study if you play music through headphones so that you block out all other distracting noises
They will, obviously, help you study for your algebra test.
1. Just relax! Overreacting and too much studying can lose your chance of winning. 2. Have a screening of Akeelah and the Bee. 3. Have a study group to help you study each word together. 4. Have a practice bee with friends and family to see what you need to work on. There are many more tips to help you practice! But these are some of the important tips to help you.
Study them good.
Eating healthy could help you to concentrate better and help you focus on your study, and study for longer. For more information see Exam Performance link.
Type your answer here... put medaphores details a begining middle and ending onamonapias and dont forget title put a life experience put tips and action words