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Q: What are some of the nuances of profit?
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What is the difference between nuances and subtleties?

Nuances and subtleties are basically the same thing.

Why should a company stay in profit?

because some company earn many profit and save some profit to use in the day of bad profit

Is the electric company profit or nonprofit?

Some are for profit and others are government agencies (not for profit).

What examples can be used to explain nuances?

Nuances means slight variation or distinction in meaning or color. An example is: The grey nuances of the tree bark and his fur made the forest a safe hiding place for the rabbit.

How long does it take to get a profit?

Depends on where you are looking to make a profit. In some cases a profit happens in seconds, while in others a profit never happens.

Why coke did not make profit in India?

coke did make a profit but for some people it did not

What is the plural for nuance?

Nuances is the plural of nuance

What are some advantages of commercial patterns?

for profit

Word for small differences of meanings?

Subtle nuances.

Is taxable profit the same as net profit?

Business net profit is adjusted for things like tax depreciation as well as some items which are not allowed by tax department as expense or income or deduction to arrive at taxable profit.

Is preschool public school?

Each preschool has its own rules and fees; some are church or government sponsored, and some charge a fee.

Is profit the only reward of an entrepreneur?

Not necessarily, there are many entrepreneurs that operate not for profit businesses. Some feel rewarded by a sense of accomplishment, some have a desire to promote a certain cause, some just have a passion for a particular area of endeavor. Profit is often a measure associated with business.