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Some non-examples of archi the US Virgin Islands, the British Virgin Islands, and the Dutch Virgin Islands. To this list, you can add the Hawaiian Islands as well.

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Q: What are some non-examples of archipelagos?
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What are some archipelagos around the world?


What are some nonexamples of a physical change?

Well , eating pizza (:

What are some archipelagos in Africa?

Some archipelagos in Africa include the Cape Verde Islands, the Comoros Islands, the Seychelles, and the Madeira Islands.

What are facts about archipelagos?

An archipelago is a group or chain of islands clustered together in a body of water. They are typically formed through volcanic activity, plate tectonics, or erosion. Archipelagos can be found in oceans, seas, and lakes around the world and are often popular tourist destinations due to their scenic beauty and unique ecosystems.

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Iron, copper, and gold are examples of nonmetallic elements and not metalloids. These elements do not possess the properties of a metalloid, such as having both metallic and nonmetallic characteristics.

Which countries are archipelagos?

Some countries that are archipelagos include Indonesia, the Philippines, Japan, the Maldives, and the Seychelles. These are composed of multiple islands grouped closely together in a chain or cluster.

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What are the two archipelagos of the West Indies?

Antilles and the Bahamas they r the 2 archipelagos of the West Indies.

What are Names of archipelago?

Some names of archipelagos include the Maldives, the Philippines, the Bahamas, and the Galapagos Islands.

What are nonexamples of parallelogram?

circle, sphere, oval

Are Egypt and Israel archipelagos?


Which two archipelagos are off Western Australia?

There are three significant archipelagos off Western Australia:Recherche ArchipelagoDampier ArchipelagoBuccaneer Archipelago