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To get a good topic for a compare and contrast essay, you should find two things which have certain similarities and differences. In other words, it's impossible to compare and contrast absolutely identical or absolutely different things.

The easy way is to write about the things which have more similarities than differences: winter and summer holidays; talking to friends and texting them etc.

A more creative way is to compare things (or people/ events/ phenomena) that have only a few similarities: Justin Bieber and Paul Lennon; graffitti and Black Square by Malevich.

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7y ago
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10y ago

Compare and contrast ... is a popular formula with some teachers. Essentially, it asks for a comparison but is formulated in such a way as to remind one that one should compare differences as well as similarities.

To compare means to give all of the similarities between two things.

To contrast means to give all of the differences between those things.

Make a list of all the facts you have learned about each of your two topics.

Now, merge the facts into sentences - look for ways that the two things are alike first, and write sentences that describe each similarity. Then look for ways that they are different and write sentences that describe the ways they differ. Organize your sentences so that they flow well from topic to topic, and include short explanatory additions where that would help someone understand a point you are making.

Write a good summary sentence in which you state whether the two items are more alike or more different, and you've got a great compare and contrast report.

To make is award winning, you have to make is very good in terms of organization, explanation, sentence structure and use of grammar, and make is better than any other entry in the competition.

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14y ago

A compare contrast essay should focus on two things that have similarities as well as differences. Most of the time, this sort of essay focuses on two books, but it can be used to demonstrate the differences and similarities of anything.

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6y ago

To write a compare/contrast essay, you'll need to make NEW connections and/or express NEW differences between two things. The key word here is NEW! Choose 2 things that could go in the same category, but are also quite different. Good choices might be:

  • Basketball & Football (both sports)
  • Horses & Cats (both animals, but different in many ways)
  • Writing & Singing (both art forms, but different in many ways)

Gather your ideas by writing down characteristics of each thing. Note the differences and similarities between them. Ask yourself these important questions before you begin writing your draft: Does my instructor want me to compare AND contrast, or am I only being asked to do one of those things? Are these 2 things similar and/or different, in at least one meaningful way? Do I know enough about my topic to write an effective compare/contrast essay about it? Does my instructor want me to compare AND contrast, or am I only being asked to do one of those things? Some instructors prefer that you only write about the differences between two things, while others want you to focus on explaining the similarities as well. Either way, you'll need to make sure that your thesis statement reflects your instructor's expectations. For example, if I wanted to write about Social Networking sites, I'd need to write different thesis statements depending on my compare/contrast assignment.

Sample thesis statement for contrast paper: In terms of social networking sites, Facebook focuses on presenting your daily life to others, whereas MySpace allows you to focus more on demonstrating your personal style.

Sample thesis statement for compare/contrast paper: While both Facebook and MySpace allow you to meet other users who have similar interests, only MySpace allows you to demonstrate your personal style.

Are these 2 things similar and/or different, in at least one meaningful way?

If you want to write a successful compare/contrast essay, you'll need to avoid writing about really obvious differences and similarities. For example:

  • We all know that horses are larger than cats.
  • We also know that Basketball teams contain less players than football teams.

Tell us something we don't know (or might not notice)! It would be better to write about how sensitive both horses and cats are to human needs and emotions. You could also suggest that though both basketball and football require a lot of teamwork, basketball players are expected to be a lot more versatile than football players.

You don't have to be a genius to write an interesting compare/contrast essay--you just have to look at ordinary things in a new way!

Ask yourself if you know enough about the topic to write an effective compare/contrast essay. Unless you're being asked to do some research as part of your compare/contrast project, make sure that you choose 2 things that you feel comfortable discussing, at length.

Your instructor may ask for multiple similarities and differences. Just make sure you're prepared to write a well-developed, meaningful essay on a topic that you know well before you get started!

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14y ago

It's finding the similarities and differences between characters in a story, two different stories or whatever was assigned for the essay.

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15y ago

i want to know what is it i want the whole answer

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13y ago

Erm Perhaps Comparing/Contrasting Chuck Norris and God.

The decisions of Red Riding Hood to the decisions of Goldilocks.

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Aiden Hawk

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2y ago

is this for apex or what cause this is not on there

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12y ago

hurricanes vs. volcanoes

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