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Students shouldn't go to school year round because.......

1. it stress them out and they already don't like school

2. they are not willing going to participate because they do not want to be their

3. its taking away from their break they are not having fun

4. sitting in the classroom all year long is not fun and boring

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11y ago
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12y ago

Well first off, it puts enormous stress in the students and teachers would be underpaid for the whole year. Just because a school is longer, dosent mean the students will learn better. It also puts strain on the school budget, in other words, its a way to get schools bankrupt. Finally, ideas for cirriculum would eventually run out.

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14y ago

Year round school is bad because children need sleep breaks and their killing brain cells by learning and thinking way to much.

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It is a highly debated topic and there is no clear answer. Many studies have been conducted to ascertain whether or not year round schooling helps children retain information more effectively. These studies have been highly contested and inconclusive. If you asked me, year round school makes much more sense. Perhaps a week or two week break here and there would benefit children much more than a three month break during which they lose most of the information they learned at school the previous year.

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Many websites come up at this time of year, advertising different things. search round and compare prices for the things you want. You will find some original things if you search hard.

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"Year 'round" is the correct way to write it as it is a shortened form of "year-round".

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Year Round.

DO you write all year round or all year-round or all the year-round- what is the correct way to write it?

The correct way to write it is "all year round."