In my opinion it depends on the character of the one who'll be designing the poster. But personally I appreciate poster that has a design base on animals and important or iconic personalities.
give me a interesting topis for poster creation for computer science students
yp i can suggest some interesting topics for ad making like "green poster printing for your eco-friendly business " and more....
Environmental conservation and sustainability Mental health awareness and support Gender equality and empowerment Cultural diversity and inclusion
Stanford University has some good tips for help making a poster presentation. Microsoft's website also has some good help documents on making a poster presentation with Powerpoint.
you go to a poster making shop
for me the answer for that question is you think or research so that you can find an idea for your poster making contest............
A good topic would be on a book you or other people were reading and then have a book talk where like you or other people could make a poster board of what that book you were reading was about and have people discuss the poster board. Was that information useful?
For a quality poster bed, you should look at Home Depot. Here, you will find nice poster beds that are good quality yet cheap. A good price for a poster bed is $100.
cervical cancer oil eating bacteria to clean oil spills. This gives you 7 steps on how to make a good poster. By hand or computer.
be creative
There is a variety of different places that you can purchase an Osha Poster for a good price. Some of these are Osha Publications. Someone could also acquire to receive a poster free of charge.